Your True Colors Spin-Off

For all of you incredibly awesome, faithful and patient readers of my humble fanfic who are waiting hungrily for the next upload, here's a little... well, let's say...


Yummy! Becky Boodles, author of the Dogward fanfic "And Then You" asked for a Button Guru Bartering. In exchange for the banner artwork I made for her Dogward, she wrote me a sexy one shot, starring Beatrice/Esme (Annie's boss) and Carlise (the doctor, not the budgie!)

by Becky Boodles!
I loved it so much that I made an extra banner for it too.

To see what I created for Becky (and other barterers), what I got in exchange, and to learn about the Button Guru bartering rules, click the mini-banner below to be taken to my main blog.


Unknown said...

I can't wait to read the spin-off!!

uhyesplease said...

That is a smoking hot banner!!!! This is totally on my naptime agenda! woot!

Clare said...

Loved the banner (the likeness of Carlisle is amazing!) and the story was great. Can't wait to read more of NWYT. Hope you're feeling better. hugs Clare x